Let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House& a party founded on the values of self-reliance, individual liberty and national unity. 让我们牢记,当来自伊利诺伊州的一位先生首次将共和党大旗扛进白宫时,伴随着他的是自强自立、个人自由、国家统一的共和党建党理念。
Mr Salmond, a consummate politician, will play to the mood of anti-politics that carried the UK Independence party to victory in the European elections. 萨尔蒙德是个完美的政客,他会利用民众的反政治情绪。英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)在欧洲议会选举中取胜,靠的就是这股情绪。
While there they faithfully carried out the Party's policies. 在那里的时候他们忠实地执行了党的政策。
B areas in accordance with the actual market price adjustment should be carried out without prior notification to the Party, made in the Party approved the agreement to be implemented; 乙方根据地区市场实际情况进行价格调整时应事先向甲方通报,在取得甲方认可同意后方可实施;
Of course, the work of the government will continue to be carried out under the political leadership of the Party. Strengthening government work means strengthening the Party's leadership. 政府工作当然是在党的政治领导下进行的,政府工作加强了,党的领导也加强了。
When agricultural co-operation was being carried out, again some people in the party opposed it. 实行农业合作化,党内也有人起来反对。
In the pursuit of truth we have carried on spirited debates in which scores of Party and non-party comrades have spoken, laying bare the issues and making them more concrete. 大家为了追求真理,进行了热烈的争论,有党的和非党的同志几十个人讲了话,把问题展开了,并且具体化了。
Are the ethical and social audits carried out by an independent third party? 商业道德和社会责任审核是否是由独立的第三方进行?
It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads. 它使革命队伍失掉严密的组织和纪律,政策不能贯彻到底,党的组织和党所领导的群众发生隔离。
Education and examination regarding traffic safety, vehicle hygiene, service attitude, and civilized language shall be carried out on drivers by Party B on a regular basis. 乙方应定期对司机进行交通安全、车辆卫生、服务态度、文明用语等相关服务要求进行教育和检查。
After fighting for days to save his job, Mr Martin decided to bow to his critics and leave early after realising that he no longer carried the confidence of senior party leaders and MPs. 在为保住自己的职位而努力了多日后,马丁意识到,各政党领导层和普通议员已对他失去信心,于是他决定向批评者认输,提早下台。
Progressiveness Education of Party Members Should Be Carried on Throughout Party Building Work Among College Students 学生党建工作要贯穿党员先进性教育论高校党建信息系统在高校党建工作中的作用
Even today, fortune telling ceremonies are still carried on unwittingly or half-jokingly in Halloween party games like apple bobbing. 即使在今天一些运势预告的仪式仍然会被人不自觉或半开玩笑的在万圣节的舞会上举行。
"Mode-shifting country" Russia after the decay of Soviet Union, made great efforts to build a western party system, The Party Law published and carried out in 2001 stepped up the Russian party politic towards standardization and legalization. 俄罗斯是重要的转型国家,苏联解体后,俄力图建立西方式的政党制度,2001年颁布实施的《政党法》使俄政党政治进一步走上规范化、立法化轨道。
The policy of governing the Party strictly must be carried out in the construction of the party's ideological style, studying style, leading style, working style and living style. 必须把从严治党方针全面贯彻于党的思想作风、学风、领导作风、工作作风和干部生活作风的建设之中。
The education benefits by the successful experiences of uhe Party-building history and brings forth new ones, and put the Marxism ideological education theory which carried out in the Party to use creatively. 三讲教育是对党建史上成功历史经验的创造性借鉴,也是对马克思主义关于党内矛盾和党内思想教育理论的创造性运用。
A basic characteristic of women's movement in China is that, led by the Communist Party, the women-related work has been carried out centered around the Party's central tasks in different periods. 在党领导下,围绕着不同时期党的中心任务开展妇女工作,是中国妇女运动的基本特色。
In the new century, the Party's building and the theoretical education to all cadres are carried out around the basic line of the Party and especially the basic creeds of the Party. 在新世纪,党的建设和全体干部的理论教育,既要围绕党的基本路线来进行,更要始终围绕党的基本纲领来进行。
The harmonious society is now the great macroscopic project being carried on by the Party and our country which is a great strategy referred to the stability of our country and people's life. 和谐社会是当今党和国家正在进行的伟大的宏观工程,是关系国家稳定和人们生活安定的伟大策略。
It is at once an economic reform, and an important experiment of the socialist reform carried out by the Labor Party. 它既是一场经济改革又不是工党社会主义改革的一次重大试验。
The activity "Three Theories Education" carried out by the Party Central Committee in the field of press and publishing has practical international and domestic background, it is timely and necessary as well. 中央关于在新闻出版行业展开“三项学习教育”活动是有着现实的国际、国内背景的,是非常及时和必要的;
New explorations should be carried out from theoretical and practical aspects into the Party and administration sharing responsibility system on the college or department level. 院(系)党政共同负责制作为高校内部管理的领导体制与工作制度,在高校加强依法治校、大力推进政治文明建设的新形势下,需要从理论与实践的层面上做出新探索。
The struggle against corruption carried out by the Party and the state must provide permanent as well as temporary solutions to the problem and adopt a policy of comprehensive management so as to prevent and eliminate corruption effectively. 我们党和国家反腐败,必须要坚持标本兼治、综合治理的方针,真正从根源上预防和治理腐败。
The intention of the adjustment of collective bargaining carried out by the New Labor Party is to maintain their rule, and this has become the common viewpoint for the two major party of England. 新工党政府对集体谈判机制调整既是为了维护资本主义的统治,也是新工党作为一个选举党的客观要求。
The modern political affaires are carried out relying on the core – the party. 现代政治是以政党为核心展开的。
The criminal trial of default refers to the trial in the criminal prosecution which is carried on because of the absence of a party. 刑事缺席审判是指在刑事诉讼中因一方缺席而进行的审判。
Ultimately, I believe that the basic theory on culture of political party can be carried on the effective analysis to the party politics life. It is a theory tool which is worth for using. 最终,本人认为,本文所建构的政党文化的基本理论,能够对政党政治生活进行有效的分析,是一套值得借鉴的理论工具。
The purpose of my paper is also prepared for this theme, serving for the construction of political civilization carried out by our party. 本文的目的也是为了服务于这一主题,为我们党进行政治文明建设服务。
These are all carried out of the great challenges facing the party and government cadres performance appraisal management and a severe test. 这些都是开展党政领导干部绩效考核所面临的巨大挑战和严峻考验。
The Movement was carried through under the deployment of the superior party organization. 新乡市党的整风运动是在上级党组织的统一部署下进行的。